Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Hey Dale Koller, more "Blessings" are on the way ~ and Dale, rightly divide this; is this to you, for you, or about you...Romans 1:18

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Hey Dale

Thank you for giving me one more opportunity to ram a red hot poker up your ass (it’s OK because it’s a lovey-dovey red hot poker).

Now remember; get Ken to remind you that this is all foreordained. As for me, it gives me satisfaction beyond description knowing that my prayers have been, and are being answered…imprecatory prayers.

The latest: Jitch Kowski’s daughter commits suicide. Oh, tell me Dale, I learned from Debbie Motylinski that her and Jim are no longer in fellowship with the MBS. Why? This couldn't have anything to do with Jitche’s extra sound doctrine…like look on his Facebook page and see what his favorite book is; the New King James (what ho! He took it off) (Hey Jitch - why did you take it off? I know ~ GUILT!!).

I said I was pondering making a new video. Here is what it will be about: The answers to my imprecatory prayers…things that I know about.

  • Ken Brandt has ills requiring infusion therapy
  • Dale Koller is smitten with cancer
  • Dale Koller has a liver transplant
  • Dale Koller’s youngest daughter is involved in a serious auto accident
  • Jim and Debbie Motylinski part company with the MBS
  • Mike Roche’s brother dies
  • Jitch Kowski’s daughter hangs herself
  • Jitch Kowski's son Brad files for bankruptcy
  • Hurricane Michael

Then, you preach a message about how this is all a “blessing”…yea right on Dale! Why is this Dale? I’ll tell you why:

Dusty Rhoades, who you worship, was the latest incarnation of Elymas Barjesus! The sack of skin filled with vomit NEVER preached the gospel! Hey Dale, go ahead and tell me that the last 4 words of 1st Cor 15:3&4 refer to the epistles of St. Paul…your “brother” from Jonesville as also stated on tape that to rightly divide the word of truth means to rightly divide Paul’s letters

Here’s the bottom line: Dusty Rhoades was Dog Shit, his doctrine-doctrine-doctrine was Dog Shit, he was a lying sack of Dog Shit (Click Here), his gOSPEL was Dog Shit ("according to the scriptures" Ha! What scriptures oh King hOLY Farce? This one is Dog Shit a-la-mode!), his rightly word dividing was Dog Shit, his "put on the whole armour" was Dog Shit, his "he who now letteth" was Dog Shit (Click Here), his Progressive Revelation was Dog Shit, his Paul-Paul-Paul was Dog Shit, his pure-pure-pure KJV was Dog Shit (oh was it ever!!) his Gezuss was Dog Shit (2nd Cor 11:4), his “Karkiss-a-Kryist” was Dog Shit (Ha! If him or ANY of Rhoades’s Toads are members of the Body of Christ, I’ll be Buddhist Monk), and all of his disciples are DOG SHIT!!

Yes-sir-ee Dale, “sound doctrine” ~ the KJV is perfect and inerrant; except where it needs to be corrected…now lie your guts out (what's left of them) about the email you sent me saying that you have the gift of doing the correction.

Hey Dale - who said this, "If the foundation isn't right, nothing built thereon will be right". Yes-sir-ee Dale, EVERYTHING you, Ken Brandt and David Doyle are building on Dusty Rhoades's foundation is so much DOG SHIT.

Hey Dale - Hebrews 4:12, tell me Dale, is this to you, for you, or about you?

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. …

And Dale, in the above verse “had pleasure”…that’s past tense, do you know why? I know why.


PS: Everybody reading this Blog ~ Google: "Dale DOG SHIT Koller"

PSS: Hey Dale; did you notice that in the book King Farce wrote (the one that Ken Brandt re-wrote, the VERY 1st quotation from scripture IS CORRUPT?

PPPS: Hey Dale; edify all of Rhoades's Toads with your extra sound doctrine ~

{ ANNOUCEMENT ~ A situation has developed with my Blogs: If you Google "Ken Brandt" nothing comes up, whereas if you Google "Dale Koller" lots of hits come up. So; to give Biblical Biblical Kenny equal time ~ Click Here  and  Click Here  and  Click Here  and  Click Here.  The Biblical Biblical One will be soooooooo edified! }

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